
Our journey in the firearms industry took a significant step forward when we joined the Gunbroker marketplace in 2011 under the name BossFirearmsCo.


This strategic move not only allowed us to expand our reach but also connect with a wider community of firearms enthusiasts and collectors on Gunbroker. Our dedication to offering top-notch products and exceptional service was quickly recognized, as we proudly earned the prestigious title of a Top 100 Seller on Gunbroker in both 2020 and 2021. This recognition served as a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.


Building on this success, we continued to elevate our presence on Gunbroker, and in 2022, we achieved an even higher milestone by securing a position among the Top 25 Sellers on Gunbroker. This accomplishment underscored our relentless pursuit of excellence and affirmed our reputation as a trusted source for firearms and related accessories on Gunbroker.